Kamis, 04 November 2010

Reading Narrative

Let's Study the 14 Genres
1. Narrative
2. Recount
3. Procedure
4. Anecdote
5. Spoof
6. Descriptive
7. Report
8. NewsItem
9. Analytical Exposition
10. Hortatory Exposition
11. Explanation
12. Discussion
13. Review
14. Commentary


Social function : To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.
Generic structure
1. Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the participants.
2. Evaluation : a stepping back to evaluate the flight
3. Complication : a crisis arises
4. Resolution : the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse
5. Re-orientation : optional
Orientation Margaret Dale is twenty four and a nanny. She is the daughter of a well known surgeon. When she was young, Margaret and her sister, Barbara, had a nanny. She dressed them and took them to school in the morning. She prepared their breakfast and their lunch box, to take to school. She met them after school and took them home. After tea, she used to read to them in bed. On Barbara’s birthday she organized a fantastic party. It was then Margaret decided that she too would be a nanny.
Complication Her farther was furious when she wanted to become a nanny. Like most parents he wanted Margaret to go to university and hold a good position in society.
Resolution But Margaret decided to go to college after leaving secondary school. There she studied all the subjects necessary to look after children. She got her certificate and she has been working for four years as a nanny. The main thing is she is enjoying herself. She gets a lot of personal satisfaction in her job. And her father sees a young, happy girl with a lot of enthusiasm for life.
Adapted from: Informational English for Senior High School
Note: Sometimes in Narrative text, we don't find the resolution, it is called Hanging Story. There is no resolution for better or worse.

Social function : To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.
Generic structure
1. Orientation : provides the setting and introduces participants.
2. Events : tell what happened, in what sequence
3. Re-orientation : optional – closure of events.
Going to Sanur Beach
Orientation Last holiday our family went to Bali to have a picnic. We went there by plane. We were in Bali for six days, so we had to stay in a hotel because we didn’t have any relatives there. We stayed in Bali Beach Hotel near Sanur Beach.
Event 1 When we came to the hotel, we didn’t come to our room directly, but we have to check in first. We were received by the receptionists who were friendly and kind, and then we were helped by a room boy who took us to our rooms.
Event 2 On the second day we visited Sanur Beach. We just took a walk, because the beach is in front of the hotel. We walked along the seashore, played water and sand. Actually we also wanted to swim in the beach but the lifeguard didn’t allow us.
Event 3 Besides doing many activities we also watched some foreign tourists activities. Some tourists were lying on the beach, while others were having message or surfing.
Re-Orientation When we felt tired, we took a rest to have some meals and drinks. And at 2 p.m. we went to the hotel. It was tiring but we were happy.
Adapted from: English exercise book for Junior High School

Social function : To describe the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, man made and social phenomena in our environment.
Generic structure:
1. General classification : tell what the phenomena under discussion it.
2. Description : tell what the phenomenon under discussion is like in terms of (1), parts (2), qualities (3), habits or behaviors if living, uses, if non natural.
General classification A post office has an important role in the modern century. Though there are a lot of means of communications such as telephones, facsimiles, handphones and computers, the post office is still needed by people for the cheap public service. The clerks and the postmen are always busy serving the people.
Description of function The post office sends and receives various kinds of letters, such as post cards, aerograms, cables, postal order, surface mails, airmails, registered letters, besides, it provides also stamps, revenue stamps, envelopes, etc. We can also pay the electric bill the installment of the house in the house or save money inthe post office.
Description of Before Lebaran day a lot of people in the big cities return home to their owns. They bring a lot of luggage and money.The post office will help them send their luggage and their money to their home towns. When the arrive a their home towns, they can take their luggage and their money directly by showing the receipts. So, they can go back to their home towns, they can take their luggage and their money directly by showing the receipts. So, they can go back to their home towns safer and feel more comfortable.
Adapted from: English exercise book for Junior High School

Social function : To describe a particular person, place or thing.
Generic structure
1. Identification : Identifies phenomenon to be described.
2. Description : Describes parts, qualities, characteristics.
Sriwedari Park
Identification Sriwedari is a famous place in the centre of Solo. It is situated on Jalan Slamet Riyadi, close to the tourist information centre.
Description of qualities Sriwedari Park is best known for it’s performance of Wayang orang. In the middle of the park, there is a traditional theatre for performing wayang orang. Wayang orang is one of the traditional cultures from Central Java. It is a kind of wayang kulit but it is performed by people. The visitors can enjoy the show on Saturday night or an certain occasions like festivals, Maleman, etc.
Description of parts The park also features a number of recreation facilities, cinemas, children playground, dangdut stage and a museum. People will take their children to lay in the play gound on Saturday night and on Sunday morning. The car also watch film in Solo theatre everyday. For dangdut lovers they can enjoy the songs and dances on Saturday night.
Social function : To describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps.
Generic structure
1. Goal
2. Material (not required for all procedural texts)
3. Steps 1 – n (goal followed by a series of steps oriented to achieving the goal)
How to cook Instant Noodle
Instant noodle can be cooked very simply by following these instructions:
Your will need one packed of instant noodle, 2 glass of water, a pan, a bowl.
Boil 2 glasses of water in a pan add noodle, stir slowly for 3 minutes. While the noodle is being cooked, put the seasoning and chili powder in a bowl. Pour the cooked noodle together with the soup in to the bowl. Mix well with all seasoning.
Spread delicious powder. The noodle is ready to be served.

Social function : To inform readers, listeners or viewers about the event of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
Generic structure
1. Newsworthy event: recounts the event in summary form.
2. Background event: elaborate what happen, to whom, in what circumstances.
3. Source : comment by participant in, witnesses to and authorities expert on the event.
Indonesian Maid Beheaded
Newsworthy event An Indonesian housemaid has been executed in Saudi Arabia after being convicted of killing her employer, the Saudi Interior Minister said.
Background The woman was beheaded in the Southern Asia province in what was the second execution in the country.
The maid was earlier found of suffocating her female boss and stealing her sewellery. Rape, murder and other serious crimes can carry the death penalty in the conservative.
Source Last year, Saudi Arabia, which follow a strict interpretations of Syaria, Islamic Law executed more than 130 people.

Social function : To share with others an account of an unusual or amusing incident.
Generic structure:
1. Abstract : signals the retelling of an unusual incident
2. Orientation : set the scene
3. Crisis : provide details of the unusual incident
4. Reaction : reaction to crisis
5. Coda : optional reflection on or evaluation of the incident.
Where is My Sixth Donkey?
Abstract One sunny morning, Nasredin went to the market and brought six donkeys with him. He wanted to sell them. Nasredin felt tired so he rode one of the donkeys.
Orientation A moment later he wanted to make sure that he had not lost any of the donkeys. Sitting on the back of his donkey. Nasredin counted his donkeys but skipping the one he was riding on. So, he was confused because there were only five donkeys left, while he brought six donkeys from his house.
Crisis He got down from his donkey and started to count again. He was very glad then because there were six donkeys. He rode one of the again. Five minutes later he started counting the donkeys again. And he was confused again because he had only five donkeys.
Reaction Coincidentally one of his friends came by and asked him, “Why do you look very confused, Nasreddin?”. Nasreddin answered, “Yes, I’m very confused. This morning I left my house with six donkeys. Then I got down from my donkey and I counted again and there were six donkeys. I was wondering but I was glad because my lost donkey was back. Then I rode one of them again. Now, I count them again and there are only five donkeys left.
Coda His friend said, there are six donkeys here. No, there are only five. Let met count again, one, two, three, four, five. There are only five!” Nasreddin answered.
Yes, you just counted five donkeys, and you are riding on the other one and you didn’t count it. So, there are six donkeys, his friend explained.
Adapted from: Informational English for Senior High School

Generic structure
1. Orientation
2. Event : this is the sequence of event that can be more than one.
3. Twist : something that is fun.
Orientation Last week, I took my four - years old daughter, Sally to a children party. We traveled by train. Sally has never traveled by train before she sat near the window and asked a lot of questions.
Event 1 “Why are you doing that?” Sally asked. “To make my self beautiful, the lady answered. She put away her compact and smiled kindly. But you are still ugly “Sally said”
Event 2 Suddenly, a middle – aged lady came into our compartment and sat opposite to Sally.
“Hello little girl, she said. Sally didn’t answer, but looked at her curiously.”
Twist The lady took out her compact powder. She began to make up her face.

Social function : To persuade the reader or listener that something is the case.
Generic structure
1. Thesis : position, introduces topic and indicates writers position preview outlines the main arguments to be presented
2. Arguments : point retates main arguments outlined in preview elaboration develops and supports each point / arguments.
3. Reiteration (Conclusion) : restates writer’s position
Thesis The facsimile machine has changed communication completely. It is usually called the fax machine. People nowadays do not send telegrams. They send a fax.
Arguments 1 It is faster and you can send it from your own home or from a “wartel”. You can use it to send messages and pictures.
Arguments 2 A fax machine has many functions. It can be used to send and receive documents. It can also be used as a document is very simple. You place the document you want to send, face down in to the feeder. Dial the number and press “start”. Dialing a number is similar to dialing a phone.
Argument 3 An additional function of the machine is the “one-touch” dialing. You can store you frequently used numbers giving each number an abbreviated code. For example, you give the code 1 for your friend’s number. Then you give numbers 2, 3 to other numbers. The next time you press 1 the machine will dial your friend’s number.
Argument 4 The fax machine is a very useful tool for businesses and newspaper journalists. They can use a fax machine to send or receive their documents quickly and easily. They can also send pictures or drawings using a fax machine.
Reiteration It has become one of the frequently used communication systems in global communication.
Adapted from: Informational English for Senior High School
Social function : To persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.
Generic structure
1. Thesis: announcement of issue concern.
2. Argument : reason for concern, leading to recommendation
3. Recommendation : statement of what ought or ought not to happen.
Thesis International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) major project is the reduction of child-labour. The use of child-labour in the manufacturing of products is very strong in East Asia. Children as young as six and seven work at jobs from 6.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. They work in conditions which are very unhealthy. They are just given one meal a day.
Argument ILO recognizes the fact that child labour has been around for al long time. In the UK, there used to be children of five and six years working in the cloth mills of Lancashire and in the coal mines. Employers found children less troublesome. They could also be paid less.
Argument Nowadays child labour is very common in Asia and Africa. In India and Afghanistan employers use child labour in the carpet and glass industries. They claim that young children have nimble fingers. They can do the job better than adults.
Argument Child labour is undesirable. Yet it seems to be necessary in low - income countries. Poverty often makes child labour necessary. Poor families need the money that their children earn.
Recommendation Schooling is necessary in the battle against child labour. One of the main problems with schooling is its cost. Parents have to find the money for school fees, uniforms, school books and pencils. Then there is the cost of transport to school. An ILO report in 1996 recommended that income of parents be raised. If they get a better income, these children would be sent to school. So the first priority should be to provide skills training for parents. Then they would be able to earn more and be able to send their children to school.
Adapted from: Informational English for Senior High School

Social function : To explain the processes involved in the formation or workings of natural or socio cultural phenomena.
Generic structure
1. A general statement: Position the reader.
2. A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs.
General statement Speech production is made possible by the specialized movement of our vocal organ that generate speech sound waves.
A sequenced explanation Like all sound production require a source of energy. The source of energy for speech production is the steady stream of air that comes from the lungs as we exhale. When we breathe normally, the air stream is inaudible. To become audible, the air stream must vibrate rapidly. The vocal cords cause the air stream to vibrate.
As we talk, the vocal cords open and lose rapidly, chops up the steady air stream in to a series of puffs. These puffs are heard as a buzz. But this buzz is still not a speech.
To produce speech sound, the vocal tract must change shape. During speech we continually alter the shape of the vocal tract by moving the tongue and lips, etc. These movements change the acoustic properties of the vocal tract, which in turn produce the different sounds of speech.
Adapted from: An English Text book for Senior High School

Social function : To present (at least) two points of view about an issue.
Generic structure:
1. Issue: statements, preview
2. Arguments for and against or statement of differing points of view :point, elaboration.
3. Conclusion or recommendation.
Do women Deserve Higher Education
Issue The issue we are discussing is whether women need higher education or not. Some people think that there is no use for women to get higher education, surrounding. Thus, knowing about practical household management is sufficient for women to lead their lives
Argument against Moreover, higher education does not ensure women get better life, so why bother about it? There are many examples of women who succed in their lives though they enjoy only average education. They succeed in managing their household, educating their children and participating in community activities.
Argument for On the other hand, some other people believe that women also have rights to pursue higher education. They claim that education is important for everyone, including women, because it is one way to improve the quality of life. Therefore, every woman must get education as high as they can pursue.
A further point they make is that higher education is not just the matter of achieving a better position in community or working sphere. More importantly, it is the way to empower women and to give them better understanding of life and universe.
Conclusion In summary, women have the same right as men’s to get higher education. However, it is also their right to take the chance or just to leave it.
Adapted from: An English Text Book for Senior High School

Social function : To critique an art work, event for a public audience. Such work of art include movies, TV shows, book, plays, operas, recordings, exhibitions, concerts and ballets.
Generic structure
1. Orientation : place the work in its general and particular context, often by comparing it with others of its kind or through analogue with a non art object or event.
2. Interpretive Recount : summaries the plot and / or provides account of how the reviewed rendition of the work came into being : is optional, but if present often recursive.
3. Evaluation : provides an evaluation of the work and / or its performance or production is usually recursive
4. Evaluative : summation provides a kind of punch line which sums up the reviewers opinion of the art event as a whole is optional.
What’s up with love?
Orientation Ada Apa Dengan Cinta ? (What’s up with love?) is a 2002’s big hit in Indonesia. Many viewers watched it again and over again (especially the teenager audience).
Interpretive recount It’s no surprise considering that the movie’s theme offers something that closely related to lives. But, it’s not all about it. There are a lot of sociological concepts framed in the plot. It gives the audiences something to take home about. Being juvenile is not always being part of the peer group. Follow your own heart is much better step to take.
Evaluation The direction made this movie with trying as much as possible to avoid the clich that a teen it makes this movie as a positive one for the teenagers. Much better than a teen movie used to be (hedonism, lack of originality, vulgarism, etc). The cast is great. Each actor plays their part decently and makes the plot’s development in much style. Dian Sastro Wardoyo does know how to act in front of the camera and she indeed the next best thing in Indonesia.
Evaluative Technically, this movie is a mediocre. The face is a bit slow, but in general, “Ada Apa Dengan Cinta ?” is a respectable movie.
Adapted from: An English Text book for Senior High School

Social function : To give comment about something.
Generic structure
1. General statement to position the reader or point of view about argument.
2. Sequenced explanation about argument.
3. Conclusion.
U.S. Job Market still in Low Gear
General statement to position the reader or point of view about argument The nonfarm payrolls report ushered in 2005 with a whimper. Only 146,000 jobs were created in January, well below expectations that straddled the 200,000 mark. What’s more, annual benchmark revisions reduced the tally of job creation over the previous three months by 59,000 positions. As a result, the overage six – month gain in payrolls now stands at 168,500, a sub – par performance for an economy that clocked in growth in excess of 4 percent in 2004, which would normally be consistent with average monthly increases in the 250,000 to 300,000 range. The bottom line is that irrespective of the strength in U.S. economic activity firms remain cautious in their hiring intentions.
And, it looks like this trickled down to a more discouraged worker in January, as a contraction in the labour force helped pull the unemployment rate down to 5,2 percent.
Sequenced explanation In spite of the disappointing headline in janyar, the details of the report imparted some good news. The service, side of the economy was the mainstay of job growth (+ 171,000 positions) and, equally important, the gains were evenly distributed among sectors. Education, transportation, leisure/hospitality, financial, and professional services each realized job gains in the 20,000 to 35,000 range. In contrast, goods producing sectors did not fare well, with a 25,000 reduction in manufacturing jobs accounting for the bulk of the weakness in January.
Conclusion Although we believe that U.S. economy will expand by 3.5 percent in 2005, we doubt corporate America will break from its cautious hiring intentions. We look for another 2 million new jobs this year, and while this would not be a bad outcome. It would not be a great one either for an above potential economic performance. That said, we doubt today’s report, or even a continuation of below – trend job growth in 2005, would alter the Fed’s desire to reduce the amount of monetary stimulus in the U.S. economy. However, it would lend itself to a continuation of measured rate likes and increase the possibility that the fed funds rate will remain below the 4 percent mark by year-end.
Adapted from: Informational English for Senior High School

2 komentar:

  1. URL blog ini sudah kami cantumkan dalam situs smangomoker.com halaman :

  2. kok belum lengkap penjelasannya????????? tlg dilengkapi yaaa ...... walau dah di pilang kenceng.............
